Women's Wear Daily has just announced this morning that Domino Magazine will be closing it's doors. I am amazed. I remember when I first read Domino frankly, I did not think it was worthy of friends like Elle Decor and Veranda. But in time, they became a favorite friend on a plane or a lazy weekend, who shared my passions. While they were always trendy and in the know, they offered inspiration and a very fashionable way to mix the high end with the affordable.
And isn't that what we need right now? Yet, so much of the familiar is disappearing...companies we trusted, magazines that inspire, stores that help make everyday dreams comes true like Williams Sonoma (stores closing), Target ( too many jobs lost) and Home Expo (closing it's doors yesterday).
I truly think if there will always be celebrity and reality shows, there surely will always be well decorated homes and fashionable wardrobes. Like art, homemade food, dance and music, they are not frivolous; they are creative expressions of our culture and who we are as individuals... and they have been from the beginning of time.
I know it is all a numbers game in sales and advertising and the tough ones will survive before the demand rises again...but what can we do to help? What can we do to stimulate our own creativity and entrepreneurial plan?
Please comment with any ideas...here are a few little things to get us started:
- DO subscribe to our favorite magazines - they are worth .02 -.05 cents a day
- DO challenge our own creativity whether it is decorating or cooking.
- DO shop locally, support favorite stores, local boutiques & fairs, American designers.
- DO take pride in your home. Take the time to discover and invest in your own personal style.
- DO donate something used for every new item you bring into your home.