
Happy Earth Day!

What are you doing to celebrate? Here are a few green things to think about as you go through your day...
  1. When you are at the grocery store...buy organic and local produce. Begin with the berries, they are thin skinned and it really makes a difference.
  2. Are you still using plastic bags? Pick up a reusable bag or two that you can keep in the car so you don't forget them.
  3. Do you have to run to target? Think twice before buying a plastic toy for your child that is not PVC free. Select a healthier cleaning product like Seventh Generation over the generic brand.
  4. Begin Gardening this week. Plant an herb garden or a new tree.
  5. Recycle after dinner.
  6. Remember the little things can have a big impact. Remove your phone charger from the outlet prior to leaving the house. Lower the A/C. and turn the lights off in the rooms you are not using.
  7. Plan your weekend. Are there any Earth Day events in your area that you and your family can enjoy?
  8. Check out QVC....It's an Earth Day Celebration. Buy 12000 hours of Durabrite light per CFL bulb!
  9. One of my favorites...Sofie Uliano will be presenting her bestselling book Gorgeously Green and her new book: The Gorgeously Green Diet on QVC at 3pm and 10pm.
  10. Ed Begley jr. from Living with Ed will be on QVC throughout the day and at 7pm and 10pm.

Share the purpose of the day with your loved ones and enjoy....

1 comment:

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm trying to unplug everything before I go to bed. Great tips!